Ted Harrison is one of Canada's most popular artists
His love of the land and people of the Yukon has brought him national acclaim. His distinctive style of painting is both colourful and sophisticated yet retains an innocent charm, and appeals to young and old alike.
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Also Known as Silk Screening, serigraphy involves a series of layered colours of ink which come together to create a whole print.
Areas of a framed screen are marked off using a non-porous stencil. Ink is applied to the entire frame, and the spaces not covered with a stencil will allow the paint to adhere to the paper below.
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The Ted Harrison Serigraph Collection is made up of over 80 Limited Edition Serigraphs.
The collection began over 30 years ago, in 1980, when Ted joined forces with master printer, Michael DeCourcey. Together they have produced imagery which ranges in theme and subject matter from the Yukon to the West Coast as well as producing prints for corporate commissions and non profit societies such as Artists for Kids.
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